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Why we need E-Learning?

E-learning is a new technology way in education by using online learning.When it comes to online learning in education, the model has...

How kids can focus on things?

During the MCO lock down , online E-learning become popular , most of the children study through online. While using the online...

Why we need study?

一禅小和尚:“师傅人为什么非得读书啊?” 师傅:"读书不是非做不可的事,而是想要去做的事,今后你会碰到很多不知道的事,也会碰到很多美好开心不可思议的事物,这时候作为一个人自然想要了解更多学习更多,这世界上很多大人好像什么都懂的样子,那都是骗人的,所以,读书是为了成为更出色的...

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