一禅小和尚:“师傅人为什么非得读书啊?” 师傅:"读书不是非做不可的事,而是想要去做的事,今后你会碰到很多不知道的事,也会碰到很多美好开心不可思议的事物,这时候作为一个人自然想要了解更多学习更多,这世界上很多大人好像什么都懂的样子,那都是骗人的,所以,读书是为了成为更出色的人。”
Studying is important because it is essential for a person to develop a complete education and provides students with the opportunity to develop study habits, time management skills and self-discipline. Studying provide student with knowledge that they can use throughout their lifetime.
Homework is a form of studying that helps students learn. There are typically three types of homework that require studying by students.
practice homework that allows the student to review what was taught in class. This helps to increase the student's ability to comprehend the material.
preparation homework, which helps a student prepare for an in-class assignment or activity. This type of homework is generally research-based or in the form of a brainstorming exercise.
extension homework, which is typically a paper or a project and is a long-term assignment. These require the most independent and self discipline work outside of the classroom.